the vision

If you’ve practiced mindfulness, meditated, done breathwork, attended a yoga class, chanted mantra, or experienced a sound healing, you’ve tasted the benefit of thousands of years of Eastern philosophy.

Such ‘New Age’ experiences for the body and mind are not entirely modern; they draw from ancient roots. They’re meant as embodiment practices; experiences that, when repeated regularly over time, become portals to wellbeing, health, happiness, and great realizations.

For many, practice is a gateway. We have the “experience” and then we want to understand why (and how). Philosophy answers these questions and evolves practice to indescribable depths.

When lived in tandem, philosophy + practice feed each other & turn transcendence into embodiment.

the mission

Connect all levels of seekers and practitioners through multi-media initiatives (newsletters, podcasts, blogs) and in-person experiences (events, workshops, classes) to co-create a social collective that’s focused on all things spiritual.

Who is this for?


This space is intended for both newcomers and spiritual veterans.

It is intended for those who want guidance, answers to questions, resources, connection.

It is no easy feat to practice.

We can’t do it alone.

Every spiritual seeker and practitioner holds a key of knowledge. If we share those keys with each other, we can piece together the knowledge to form a fuller picture. In doing so, we can deepen our own individual understanding, transforming knowledge into lived wisdom.

Want to get involved? Subscribe for updates and wisdom.